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Deliver voices that have never been heard to those who have never been reached
With the growth of the Internet, society has become a place where many people are connected through social media and other means. Unimaginably vast amounts of information are created every day, and we utilize this information constantly in our daily lives. However, we believe that there are still individuals who have not been reached yet, who have been unable to receive correct information. In this age of IT, we will strive to create services nessasary for the society by paying close attention to small voices that have not been heard before and delivering them to those who need them.
- Representative Director
Chihiro Takayama
Co-founder, Director and CMO
Yusuke Horiguchi
Director and COO
Akihisa Mitake
Representative Director of CMIC Co., Ltd.
Masao Akita
Representative Director and Co-CEO of CMIC Solutions Co., Ltd.
Tomo Ishijima
Representative Director and Co-CEO of harmo Co., Ltd.
Hiroyuki Kimura
Audit & Supervisory Board Member